How to be authentically accepted without needing to perform [Repost]

In June 2023, the Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness (JVIB) published a systematic review of research on social skills teaching to children and teens who are blind or have low vision. With the encouragement of my AFB colleagues, I wrote a letter in response to the article, and then I followed up with this blog post. The blog post includes links to two articles from the neurodiversity perspective on the dangers of masking/passing. There are also links to the systematic review itself, and to my letter. All articles are freely open to the public in full text.

We hope this blog post and the associated reading will spur discussion between blind adults, autistic and other neurodivergent adults, and parents and educators of both blind and autistic children on this important but under-appreciated topic.

Please help amplify this post, and share widely!

How to be authentically accepted without needing to perform

3 thoughts on “How to be authentically accepted without needing to perform [Repost]

  1. Thank you for sharing such an empowering message! Your blog post on being authentically accepted resonates deeply, offering valuable insights and encouragement to embrace our true selves without the need for performance.

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